Lesser Known Calypsonians
Anthony Francis aka 'Almanac' at TUCO's Kaiso House Opening
TriniSoca.com Reporters
Interview Recorded: February 01, 2006

Anthony Francis aka Almanac
We are at the TUCO's Kaiso House in City Hall, Port of Spain where the official opening will be taking place. I am with Mr. Anthony Francis aka 'Almanac', a veteran in the Calypso arena.
TRINISOCA: How long have you been in the Calypso World?
ALMANAC: I have been in the Calypso business since 1962, which makes this year 44 years.
TRINISOCA: I heard you are releasing an album. Could you tell us a bit about the album?
ALMANAC: The name of the album is 'Calypso, Glorious Calypso'. The title track on the album is 'Heroes of Our Land', a tribute to the Soca Warriors.
TRINISOCA: What are your future plans?
ALMANAC: My future plans are for me to continue in the business I am in now and to make more recordings. This album is a self-help effort.
TRINISOCA: Do you have any advice for the younger people out there who want to compose Calypsos?
ALMANAC: The best advice I could give them is to stick to the basics. Whatever you experiment with, there is one fundamental thing and that is you have to know what you are singing about and your lyrics must match what you are talking about. I always give the example of a house. The fundamental principles of building a house haven't changed in a thousand years. You must still have your foundation and your roof. The Calypso is much the same. Whenever you are doing something you must have a beginning and you must have an end. You must be clear in your beginning- what you want to say so that people could follow you. Whatever you say must make sense. If you stick to the principles you wouldn't go wrong. I think that is basically it.
TRINISOCA: Thank you sir.
