Calypsonians at Ryan's Pub
Chatting with Calypsonians at Ryan's Pub
'The Lioness', 'Crescendo' and 'Flying Man'
TriniSoca.com Reporters
Interview Recorded: January 13, 2006
Posted: February 09, 2006
We are interviewing calypsonians at Ryan's Pub on Prince Street Port of Spain where John Absalom aka 'D Sideways' is launching his new CD.
Susan John aka 'The Lioness'

Susan John aka 'The Lioness'
TRINISOCA: I am here with the second female calypsonian, she calls herself 'Lioness'.
TRINISOCA: What is your full name and how long have you been singing Calypso?
LIONESS: My name is Susan John, also known as the 'The Lioness'. I am happy to be in the art form. I have been singing since in Elementary School into Secondary School. I have been in the Calypso arena for fourteen years now.
TRINISOCA: How did you start singing Calypso?
LIONESS: I started through my dad who was a calypsonian. There are also calypsonians in my family.
TRINISOCA: What is your father's name?
LIONESS: My father's name is Ferdinand John, and he was known as 'The Mighty Razor Blade'.
TRINISOCA: How do you think the art form is going so far?
LIONESS: Very good. So far it's been good for me. As a messenger, I have been blessed by the Almighty to deliver the message to society. I am blessed to do that job.
TRINISOCA: How has it been for you as a woman in Calypso?
LIONESS: It's been kind of ticklish, but so far it has been good for me because every year I sing good songs. The voice of the people is the voice of God and they always encourage me.
TRINISOCA: Where do you think this art form is going in terms of these new types of Calypsos?
LIONESS: I believe it is going internationally now. Trinidad is being recognized as the land of Kaiso and Steelpan. We are number one and people are copying from us.
TRINISOCA: Do you have anything you would like to share with the people out there?
LIONESS: I would like to let the people know that 'Lioness' is giving a good message. Every year I give good songs letting the people know that they should stay away from drugs and crime.
TRINISOCA: What are the names of your selections for 2006?
LIONESS: The first one is entitled 'Power But No Glory'. That song is about the guns, crimes and drugs. The second song is entitled 'The Darker Side'. It tells you about the darker side of Trinbago.
TRINISOCA: Thank you 'Lioness'.
Elvin Lewis aka 'Crescendo'

Elvin Lewis aka 'Crescendo'
TRINISOCA: Calypsonian 'Crescendo' is also here to perform at Ryan's Pub but he will chat with me a bit before he performs. Could you give me your full name sir?
CRESCENDO: My name is Elvin Lewis, also known as 'Crescendo'.
TRINISOCA: How did you come up with your sobriquet?
CRESCENDO: Well, I am always playing music and trying to go up high on the octave all the time. Crescendo is the rising part of the music. For instance you start from low down and you go right up. I decided to maintain the name 'Crescendo'.
TRINISOCA: How long have you been in Calypso and what do you think about how the art form is going?
CRESCENDO: I have been in Calypso about thirty five years or so. As an art form it is a very nice thing but it is also a very hard thing. A lot of people are running from it. Sometimes to get in a Tent is difficult. There are times when some fellas have good songs, but they leave them out and give their own friends a chance in The Tent.
TRINISOCA: What advice do you have for anyone who wants to be a calypsonian, and do you have anything else you would like to share with the people?
CRESCENDO: Changes come with people and I will back them right through. Whatever I could do to help the art form, I will do my part. I will encourage them because it is our culture. I just simply want to share love. I would also like that we respect each other and be honest.
TRINISOCA: What Calypsos do you have for 2006?
CRESCENDO: I have a song entitled 'The Hunter'. The song is about a Chinese woman who only giving me cat to eat and so on. The song is not so bad. It is a real nice song, but they don't play it on the radio and I do not know if it is because they find that it is too rude.
TRINISOCA: Could you do a verse and chorus for us?
From a little boy, hunting is a sport I always enjoy
Deep end in the forest I like to go
Because ah love meh wild meat for so
But since I met this Chinese woman
She trying to upset my hunting plan
She wah me loose meh appetite for wild meat
Only giving me pussycat to eat
Is cat in de morning, more cat in de evening
Morning noon or night, she cooking pussycat for spite
Breakfast lunch and supper, ah eating cat for meh dinner
And if ah only lie down to rest meh head
She bringing piece ah meat for me on the bed
TRINISOCA: Thank you 'Crescendo'.
Curtis Bayne aka 'Flying Man'

Curtis Bayne aka 'Flying Man'
TRINISOCA: Another calypsonian who will be performing here today calls himself 'Flying Man'. Good day sir, could you give us your full name and how long you have been in Calypso.
FLYING MAN: My name is Curtis Bayne, and my sobriquet is 'Flying Man'. I have been in the Calypso business over twenty five years now. I go through the hard times and the good times. I always know that I am one of the best. I am orthodox and my performances are different and strong. Because of that great ability they would rather me off the stage. I am the man who say "a ram turn into a lion" and "rougher the battle, sweeter the victory".
TRINISOCA: What made you decide to go into Calypso?
FLYING MAN: I always had a deep passion for Calypso. When I was a child, there was a fella who came down to Carenage by the name of Spider and he used to call me 'Mighty Chewing Gum'. Whenever I heard the guitar playing I couldn't move. I was stuck on to it like crazy glue. I used to always compose before because I was always a cultural person. I was into Best Village with a group from Carenage and I did dancing and bringing out mas'. I am the person who sang 'Thanks and Praises for a New Day'.
TRINISOCA: What do you have for us this year?
FLYING MAN: Well due to the crime situation in the country, I am singing 'Youth Man Put Down the Gun Right Now'. We are losing too many people on both sides. They are not only hurting themselves, they are also hurting their mothers and they are hurting their children as well. My other songs are 'The Blimp', and a little Chutney thing called 'Rub it on Me 'Bay-tah'. That song is really for the ladies to give a little laughter. I like to entertain.
TRINISOCA: Do you have any advice for anyone who wants to start singing Calypso?
FLYING MAN: Right now I am not concentrating on too much of music. After two years with The Revue, they waited until last week Sunday to tell me I am not in The Tent. There are calypsonians who tie down their own music. If you notice, there is only one set of people singing all the time. If you watch the Dimanche Gras Show, it is only one set of people. It is the same thing with Soca, it is only one set of people. It's a case of who in, stay in and who out, stay out. I am thinking about diverting from that type of music and do something else, because that is not a nice thing. When you seek for your rights sometimes people hold it in their minds against you. I have been pushing this culture for a very long time now. I enjoy entertaining people. Any young person who comes into Calypso should try and get their work out in the world. Sometimes I would get a little break in one of the Tents, but more support is needed from TUCO. If you are in the art form in Trinidad and Tobago, you are supposed to present yourself as a star. Look at people like Michael Jackson. Once you are pushing the highest music from our country, you are supposed to be handled in a certain way that will allow you to buy your own shoes. Too often many calypsonians who work in the Tents are faced with monetary challenges. However, when you love the art form, it becomes greater than the money.
TRINISOCA: Thank you very much sir.
