Calypsonians at Ryan's Pub
Chatting with Calypsonians at Ryan's Pub
'King Netfa', 'Ronno Man' and 'Disciple'
TriniSoca.com Reporters
Interview Recorded: January 13, 2006
Posted: February 10, 2006
We are interviewing calypsonians at Ryan's Pub on Prince Street Port of Spain where John Absalom aka 'D Sideways' is launching his new CD.
Anthony Hazzard aka 'King Netfa'

Anthony Hazzard aka 'King Netfa'
TRINISOCA: Another calypsonian here with me calls himself 'King Netfa'.
TRINISOCA: Good night sir, what is your name?
KING NETFA: My name is Anthony Hazzard and my sobriquet is 'King Netfa'. I made all kinds of music. For instance Soca, Reggae, R&B, Pop... everything.
TRINISOCA: How long have you been in Calypso?
KING NETFA: I have been in Calypso ever since I have known myself.
TRINISOCA: Which calypsonian had the most influence on you and why?
KING NETFA: Back in the days I was influenced by calypsonians like Sparrow and Kitchener. I used to pretend and sing over their songs and everybody songs.
TRINISOCA: Do you have any advice for anyone who wants to do Calypso?
KING NETFA: Yes, keep your voice in tune with your lyrics. It doesn't make any sense making music and you are not up to world class standards. You have to keep your voice in tune and play music that will reach the market out there and not just the neighbourhood or in Trinidad.
TRINISOCA: Do you have anything you would like to share with people out there?
KING NETFA: Over the years making music here, I went to many recording companies. All of them wanted to deal with me, but when it came to the contract, there was some kind of disagreement or something just wasn't right. I ended up working and making my own money, and I produced my own thing. There wasn't any fallout between the companies and I or anything like that because everybody left the doors open to me. They told me once I bring out my thing they were willing to deal with me because they knew what I was capable of.
TRINISOCA: Do you have any Calypsos for this year?
KING NETFA: Right now I have two songs out there on the radio. One is called 'For the Blood'. I really wanted to call it 'For the Blood of the Nation' or 'For the Blood of the World' or even 'For the Blood of the People'. The song is really about keeping the red over your head. The red signifies the blood. It deals with red rag and red flag. My other song can be used for Carnival or party. The song is called 'No Disrespect'. The original name was 'No Disrespect to Woman', but I left out the woman part. The songs are out there right now. Let me give you a verse and chorus.
We under the red we under the red, we under the red flag
We under the red we under the red, we under the red rag
Any other flag any other rag
Helicopter pass they cyar see one ras
We under the red we under the red, we under the red flag
When ah plane pass, they cyar see one ras
We under the red we under the red, we under the red rag
Prime Minister pass all you see is flag
The President pass all you see is rag
Is only red, is only red, is only red flag
Is only red, is only red is only red rag
Any other flag any other rag
Roll it, fold it put it in yuh pocket
We under the red we under the red, we under the red flag
We under the red we under the red, we under the red rag
That is part of the song. But anyway, it then goes into the horn and the horn stays right through and then the third verse will come up and so on.
TRINISOCA: Thank you sir.
Ronneil Ollivierre aka 'Ronno Man'

Ronneil Ollivierre aka 'Ronno Man'
TRINISOCA: Calypsonian 'Ronno Man' is here with me now. What is your full name sir?
RONNO MAN: My real name is Ronneil Ollivierre, better known as 'Ronno Man'.
TRINISOCA: What influenced you to start singing Calypso?
RONNO MAN: I watched calypsonians like Super Blue and Shadow, but Shadow and Machel Montano are really my favourites. I did my first record with Wax Recording in 1998 and from there I continued. Denise Plummer sponsored me in the year 2000. Maximus Dan and other people also sponsored me. I had a lot of different people supporting and looking over me.
TRINISOCA: As one of the younger ones in Calypso, do you have any advice for other young people who want to get into Calypso?
RONNO MAN: For the young ones, the first step is to stay away from drugs because it's vocal chords and live performance. You need to exercise a lot to handle the stage. You have to be strong, and that is not an overnight thing. You also have to work hard towards your music otherwise you wouldn't reach anywhere. The last thing is, do not give up.
TRINISOCA: Would you like to share anything with the people who would be reading this?
RONNO MAN: The people who are in the Soca Industry should be supported. Every year something new should be put out there to push Soca as far as it could go.
TRINISOCA: Thank you sir.
Umar Muhammed aka 'Disciple'

Umar Muhammed aka 'Disciple'
TRINISOCA: This calypsonian calls himself 'Disciple'. What is your full name sir?
DISCIPLE: My name is Umar Muhammed, also known as 'Disciple'.
TRINISOCA: How long have you been singing Calypso?
DISCIPLE: I have been singing Calypso for 28 years now, I started in 1979.
TRINISOCA: What made you decide to sing Calypso?
DISCIPLE: I decided to sing Calypso because I use to listen a lot to Sparrow, Kitchener, and Melody. Back then a friend of mine encouraged me and I wrote my first Calypso which went something like this, "De beat of de heart is de best of all and when it stall yuh bong to fall." That Calypso caused me to be selected to perform in 1979. At the time the place was situated at the old Eastern Market which is now the East Side Plaza.
TRINISOCA: What Calypsos do you have for this year?
DISCIPLE: The Calypso for this year deals with flags. The flags deal with the fact that our Steelband Yard doesn't have that patriotic appearance. I think that our national flag should be flown from the Steelband Yards especially on days like Independence Day, Republic Day and other national occasions. Pan is our national instrument and our national instrument should pay respect to our national flag. I have another Calypso entitled 'I Never Thought'. The Calypso brings you to the realization that sometimes you start off with a plan and the plan fails. It is a possibility you could find yourself in a position you never thought you would find yourself in.
TRINISOCA: What do you think of Calypso as an art form?
DISCIPLE: The Calypso as an art form is in good hands but we need to have equality when it comes to the radio stations. Some radio stations specialize only in Soca. 94.7 is a very good station and I think you will get fair play there. There are other radio stations that choose the bigger calypsonians and leave out the smaller calypsonians. There are lots of Calypsos out there which we do not hear because of the same in equality. Everybody wants to hear the big calypsonians, but how do they expect the small calypsonians to become big if he is not chosen or if he is not heard by the public?
TRINISOCA: Would you be singing with any Tents this year?
DISCIPLE: I will be singing with the Icons which will be led by Cro Cro.
TRINISOCA: Where are you all situated?
DISCIPLE: At the Ambassador Hotel, Long Circular.
TRINISOCA: How soon would this Tent be opening?
DISCIPLE: Cro Cro told me it will be opening next week Friday in Point Fortin. I do not know if that will be an opening for that area and the Grand Opening at the Ambassador Hotel.
TRINISOCA: Thank you very much and all the best.
