Klassic Ruso Calypso Tent Opening Night
Shirlane Henderickson with 'Lady Wonder', MC Hotfoot and Klassic Ruso Diamonds
TriniSoca.com Reporters
Event Date: January 23, 2009
Posted: January 26, 2009
Klassic Ruso Calypso Tent organized by TUCO North Zone opened in fine style on Friday 23rd January, 2009 at the City Hall in Port of Spain. Host Rudolph Ottley welcomed guests and reminded them that this was the tent of recently departed Calypso icon the Mighty Duke as he hailed the contributions of Duke to the Calypso arena. The cast of Klassic Ruso then streamed on stage and proceeded to sing Duke's classic song "Black is Beautiful" to the delight of the audience. This year's cast includes Allrounder, Versatile, Contender, Almanac, Dr. Will B, Hamidullah, Typher, Dr. Rhythm, Wizard of Id, Revealer, Kaiso Mac, Hercules, KC Charles, Stanley Adams, Brother Ebony, Manchild, Robbie G, Shirlane Hendrickson, Black Prince, Mighty Diamond, Marva Mc Kenzie, Spicey, Brother Akil, Lylo, Intruder, QP and King Soul.
Mark 'Contender' John
Contender won the first encore of the night with his sharp Kaiso that proclaimed that you cannot buy an extempo song. Explaining that Calypsonians can easily buy songs from various named writers, he said that the nature of the extempo is such that a singer has to be knowledgeable on many topics and has to compose on the spot, which calls for extempo bards to have special skills. The audience sang along and called him back on stage for more and he duly extempoed some lines to reinforce his point.
Diane 'Lady Wonder' Hendrickson-Jones
Lady Wonder delivered an incisive social commentary which highlighted the cultural strengths of Trinidad and Tobago while highlighting various social issues such as schools, health care and crime to be addressed. Also delivering a social commentary that was well received by the audience was Manchild who touched on the crime issue by declaring in song that the bandits and bad boys have such a big influence on nations citizens that they are the true government.
Anthony 'Allrounder' Hendrickson
Calypso veteran Allrounder showed his class with two social commentaries in his typical powerful style. The first titled "Help You Children First" was a subtle political commentary that directed barbs towards the prime minister, arguing that only if he fulfills certain responsibilities can he expect to be seen as the father of the nation. His second song "What Yuh Fire Me For" was a witty look at the political tensions between Keith Rowley and Prime Minister Patrick Manning. Patrick Manning came under more fire from Typher who portrayed him as the Auctioneer who likes to utter the words "going, going, going... gone" in reference to the removal of various PNM veterans such as Hinds, Larry Achong and Ken Valley.
Tammico 'Spicey' Moore
Spicey was a hit with the audience as she came on stage dressed in a tight black outfit and wielding a big whip as she delivered a stern but funny warning for sexual predators. Versatile (Dorril Hector) was another big hit with the audience with his song which started by declaring that man was born to get horn. His song aptly titled "Pam Pam Rule" informed men that woman was boss and the antics and lyrics of this song drew loud cheers, applause and an encore from the auidence who loudly agreed with Versatile that 'Pam Pam Rule'.
John 'Mr Hotfoot' Mc Kenna
MC Hootfoot was his usual antagonistically funny self as he continually changed clothes throughout the night and playfully traded picong with members of the audience. The audience by their cheers, applause and encores thoroughly enjoyed opening night of Klassic Ruso Calypso Tent.
Klassic Ruso Calypso Tent Opening 2009 in pictures:
