Ronnie and Caro's 2009 'Bakkanal' Launch
Caroline and Ronnie Mc Intosh
TriniSoca.com Reporters
Event Date: August 29, 2008
Posted: September 04, 2008
The Mas Band Ronnie and Caro launched their 2009 Carnival presentation last Friday 29th August, 2008, at the Ambassador Hotel, Long Circular Road, St. James. According to bandleaders Ronnie and Caroline Mc Intosh, the theme of this year's presentation is "Bakkanal" and represents the bacchanal in Carnival.
Models present 'Bakkanal' Having won numerous prizes for their inaugural 2008 presentation, including the coveted NCC Medium Band of the Year title, they shared that they are very pleased with this year's presentation and remarked that the public can look forward to excellent service.
Models present 'Bakkanal'
According to information presented during the launch, Bakkanal explores the diversities of Trinidad and Tobago Carnival from 1839 to 2009, creating a very practical insight into the fun and excitement presented in the greatest show on earth. The fetes, competitions, the Steelpan, Dimanche Gras and Blue Devils all form a part of this bacchanal.
Models present 'Bakkanal'
As the crowd thickened, the sections were presented on the runaway. Comprising the 2009 Bakkanal presentation were the sections Chutney Monarch which was fiery red, Cockfight which is white with a dash of red plumes, Wasa Fete which is blue with a hint of silver, the purple and white Dimanche Gras section, the bright green Envy section, the brilliant orange Soca Monarch section, the seductive black and gold Panorama section, the blue Blue Devils section and the scarlet and yellow Calypso Fiesta section. The enthusiastic models energetically showcased the costumes to the audience who showed their loud appreciation for the presentation.
Models present 'Bakkanal'
Members of the public can look out for Ronnie and Caro's presentation 'Bakkanal' on Carnival Monday and Tuesday. There are even whispers that Ronnie Mc Intosh will be singing a Soca song in connection with the bacchanal theme of the band. The band's website: www.ronnieandcaro.com
Ronnie and Caro's 2009 'Bakkanal' Launch in pictures:
