1986 Junior Concacaf Finals - Trophies made by Glendon Morris
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The arts on the whole
Staff Article
Interview Recorded: April 25, 2005
Posted: May 15, 2005
I do not zero in on one thing. I do not restrict myself. I get involved right across the board. I could hear a good Calypso. With Chalkie there was no competition what so ever and it was back-to-back performances with, "I in Town Too Long" and "When Ah Vex Ah Cyar Rhyme". What he did was so clever. The man is a master. Every so often somebody has to come with something really original and new to edge him out. I didn't stay in the Savannah but I went to Dimache Gras just to more or less make sure everything was ok, and I came back here and watched it on the television. I was making mas' in the back and when Chalkie came on I was listening to it on the radio, but I wasn't watching television because it was kind of out of my range. I did hear the Calypso before, so when I heard it, I said, "But what trouble is this?" I came inside and I sat down and listen to it. This is what I like to see, perfection. Those Calypsos were perfect although he has a tendency to carry the same tune all the time, but then again, his lyrics overpowered that. He has improved on the lyrics. They were good and strong.
We produce mas' right here in Belmont. The whole gap here is #107, but I am #107B. This is my mas' camp and work shop and I do all my artwork here. A lot of people call it the old Ken Morris mas' camp. This is the mas' camp that Dr. Eric Williams used to come too. I remember when they wanted to kidnap Erica, and his bodyguard used to bring Erica here in the night. I was a young fellah then, about thirteen years old. There was a time when a friend of mine was cooking something in the back and it was the first time Dr. Williams came here. We just heard this voice saying, "That is smelling very good." When we looked around, it was Dr. Williams. When he came in everybody was so surprised. We were stunned. This mas' camp has a lot of history, but the guys are dying out now. It's sad, and every time I have to think about it I know we all have to expire some time.
My father was never rich. I would never be rich, but it is what you like to do. You could live, you could enjoy. I might not be able to go on a cruise, but at least I could live comfortable. My father was also a very generous person and he would give away his money. Just the other day, a friend of mine told me something that I could not believe. She said, "I wanted to tell you something a long time. Your father is the one who paid for me through law school." I knew they were friends, but I would not have even thought about that. She is a lawyer now. That is the kind of person he was, he gave away most of his money. He was the kind of person that would go in the Rafters Club around by the Savannah and buy for everybody. If he did a job and he made some money, it would be nothing for him to go and spend a few thousand dollars by Rafters. I would not say he died without money, he had his property and he lived a comfortable life. He never believed in saving and hording money. Money is to enjoy and that is how he lived. Everybody used to come with some sad story and he would try to help them out in some way. There were a few who used to over do it but then again, that is human nature. I am not as spend thrift as he was, but I still have a kind of belief in that kind of principle. Personally, I find life is so short. I look at people who fuss about things that they are not supposed to fuss about and I do not understand it.
I see life as being free and being able to have that kind of exchange where one must not sort of dominate the other because it will kill you. It is as simple as that. I have seen a friend die heart broken because he allowed that to get to him, and I felt sorry for him. I used to keep telling him that the world is wide, and that God didn't give us that life where we worry everyday about sentiments. You have to live and let live.
I go to St. Vincent every Carnival, and we would rent a big house for about nine to ten days and sit and do nothing. When I say nothing I mean we will just go to the shows: Dimache Gras, the Little Pan and wherever it is they have the Competition, and we would go to a little party and sit all around and make a cook here and there. Just enjoy those ten days without having the telephone or anything. Right now I am looking forward to it. I know it is at the end of June, but I wish it were next week or something. This is my belief and I want to help people the best way I can, whether it is in the art field or not.
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