Soca in the Square with KMC

KMC and Red White and Black in the Square
KMC and Red White and Black in the Square in pictures

KMC with the band Red, White and Black was the next act to be featured in Woodford Square on Wednesday 7th February, 2007. Ken Marlon Charles, also known as KMC proved his worth as a Soca artiste showing the audience his versatile styles of performing as well as his huge repertoire dating since the 1990’s.

The band Red, White and Black also proved to the audience that they are not to be taken lightly showing the audience their dynamistic sounds.

Featured alongside the KMC and Red, White and Black band were the big artistes Maximus Dan and Rohan ‘Fireball’ Richards. Both of them gave the audience tastes of their hits and moved the audience with their unique and powerful voices.

Two more days until the concert, Soca on the Square, comes to an end. So far, no one seems as though they want to leave.

KMC and Red White and Black in the Square in pictures:

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